Results for 'John H. Park'

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  1.  38
    Current issues in medical epistemology and statistics: a view from the frontline of medicine.John H. Park - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-25.
    Clinical trials play a prominent role today in medicine, but are not without controversy. These issues start from the day physicians begin their specialization process in medical school and continues onto their day-to-day practice as attendings with referral patterns and resulting financial incentives. This combined with the lack of training in basic issues of epistemology and statistics, allows poor interpretations of clinical trials to reign free. A proposal to integrate the notion of severity to help remedy these issues are made (...)
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    Stewards of Access, Custodians of Choice: A Philosophical Foundation for the Park and Recreation Profession.Daniel L. Dustin, Leo H. McAvoy & John H. Schultz - 1995 - Sagamore Pub Llc.
    The authors explore the simulating, philosophical question, "What is the importance of parks and recreation to the quality of life?". Asked by students, educators and practitioners alike, the answer to the question is the core of one's philosophy in the field of recreation. The text has been written so that it is easy to comprehend. The authors present the material in a first person plural and without gender biased language. Each section contains probing questions and a list of references.
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    Art in wartime: The First Wounded, London Hospital, August 1914.M. P. Park & R. H. R. Park - 2011 - Medical Humanities 37 (1):23-26.
    John Lavery's The First Wounded, London Hospital, August 1914 records a memorable event in the First World War. This painting and the archives of the Royal London Hospital provide a fascinating insight into the nursing and medical care of these early war casualties.
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    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Max A. Bailey, Kenneth R. Conklin, William J. Mathis, Harold J. Noah, John Bremer, Beatrice E. Sarlos, Eric Russell Lacy, David W. Minar, Dabney Park Jr, Nathan Kravetz, Allan R. Sullivan, Dwight W. Allen, Joel H. Spring, Walden Crabtree & Leo D. Leonard - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (1):35-48.
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  5. The Contexts of Simultaneous Discovery: Slater, Pauling, and the Origins of Hybridisation.B. S. Park - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):451-474.
    This paper investigates a well-known case of simultaneous discovery in twentieth-century chemistry, the origins of the concept of hybridisation, in the light of Kuhn's insights. There has been no ambiguity as to who discovered this concept, when it was "rst in print, and how important it was. The full-#edged form of the concept was published in 1931 independently by two American scientists John C. Slater (1900}1976) and Linus Pauling (1901}1994), although both of them had made their ideas public earlier: (...)
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    Plato and Modern Education. [REVIEW]John H. Martin - 1945 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 20 (4):727-728.
  7.  37
    Applying Two-level Utilitarianism and the Principle of Fairness to Mandatory Vaccination during the COVID-19 Pandemic: the Situation in South Korea.Sungjin Park - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (1):81-92.
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Korean society has sought to vaccinate most of its population. Consequently, the Korean government has attempted to make vaccination compulsory by promoting awareness of its benefits. The administration has pushed for mandatory vaccination by claiming that vaccination is more beneficial than harmful, based on a utilitarian view. However, this view is difficult to justify based on the two levels of utilitarianism presented by R. M. Hare. Compulsory vaccination cannot satisfy the universalizability, nor the satisfaction (...)
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    The literary Wittgenstein philosophy and literature: A book of essays.M. H. Weston - 2005 - Philosophical Investigations 28 (4):388–392.
    Books reviewed: The Literary Wittgenstein edited by John Gibson and Wolfgang Huerner, Routledge, London, 2004 (pp. xi + 356). Philosophy and Literature: A Book of Essays, M. W. Rowe, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2004 (pp xii + 238). Reviewed by M. H. Weston, University of Essex University of Essex Wivenhoe Park Colchester CO4 3SQ.
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    Trade Books’ Evolving Historical Representation of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.John H. Bickford & Razak K. Dwomoh - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (3):181-193.
    History-based trade books, such as biographies, narrative non-fiction, and expository texts, are essential secondary sources in social studies classrooms. Research, though, indicates a preponderance of misrepresentations in trade books’ depictions of historical eras and figures. We examined trade books’ historical representation of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, an iconic American president. The data sample featured biographies targeting various grade-ranges and published in different eras. Including books targeting early grade, middle grade, and high school students enabled comparisons of historical representation within and (...)
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    The Gestation of German Biology: Philosophy and Physiology from Stahl to Schelling.John H. Zammito - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This book explores how and when biology emerged as a science in Germany. Beginning with the debate about organism between Georg Ernst Stahl and Gottfried Leibniz at the start of the eighteenth century, John Zammito traces the development of a new research program, culminating in 1800, in the formulation of developmental morphology. He shows how over the course of the century, naturalists undertook to transform some domains of natural history into a distinct branch of natural philosophy, which attempted not (...)
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  11. The genesis of Kant's « Critique of Judgment».John H. ZAMMITO - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (4):639-639.
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  12. (1 other version)Induction: Processes of Inference, Learning, and Discovery.John H. Holland, Keith J. Holyoak, Richard E. Nisbett & Paul R. Thagard - 1988 - Behaviorism 16 (2):181-184.
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    Fourth graders’ (Re-)Reading, (historical) thinking, and (revised) writing about the black freedom movement.John H. Bickford, Jeremiah Clabough & Tim Taylor - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (2):249-261.
    Elementary teachers can integrate social studies into their curriculum through thematic or interdisciplinary units. This study explores fourth-grade students’ responses to a month-long, structured inquiry. For two weeks, fourth-graders engaged in multiple readings of five secondary and fourteen primary sources using closed- and open-ended analysis questions and extemporaneous, text-based writing. For another two weeks, the writing process guided students through concept mapping, skeleton outlining, peer- and teacher-review, and revision. Three researchers examined students’ writings for criticality, complexity, and clarity. Findings yielded (...)
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  14.  23
    New Barriers on the Slippery Slope?John H. Evans - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):19-21.
    There is an unspoken distinction in ethical criteria in bioethics. On the one hand, there are criteria that can be used with discretion and judgment by an individual or small group of people like a...
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    Social-scientific criticism: Perspective, process and payoff. Evil eye accusation at Galatia as illustration of the method.John H. Elliott - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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    John M. Fyler, Chaucer and Ovid, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979. Pp. x, 206.John H. Fisher - 1980 - Speculum 55 (4):866.
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    Leader‐following consensus problem of heterogeneous multi‐agent systems with nonlinear dynamics using fuzzy disturbance observer.Tae H. Lee, Ju H. Park, D. H. Ji & H. Y. Jung - 2014 - Complexity 19 (4):20-31.
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    The hard sayings: The confucian case of Xiao 孝 in kongzi and mengzi.John H. Berthrong - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):119-123.
  19.  11
    Caregiving, Cultural, and Cognitive Perspectives on Secure-base Behavior and Working Models: New Growing Points of Attachment Theory and Research.John H. Flavell, Janet W. Astington, Paul L. Harris, Eleanor R. Flavell & Frances L. Green - 1995
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  20. Religion v. Science? No and Yes.John H. Evans - 2025 - Hastings Center Report 55 (1):2-2.
    Many participants in bioethical debate believe the long-standing myth about the religiously oriented members of the public—that they disagree with scientific fact claims about the natural world. While there are a few conflicts over such claims for a few religious traditions, largely concerning human origins, these fact claims are not relevant for bioethics. Instead, social science research has shown widespread moral conflict between scientists and the actively religious in the United States. The prevalence of moral conflict and the absence of (...)
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  21. Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible.John H. Walton - 2006
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    Who legitimately Speaks for religion in public bioethics?John H. Evans - 2006 - In David E. Guinn, Handbook of bioethics and religion. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter discusses the various meanings of the two critical ideas in this book and compares them. These critical ideas are “religion” and “public bioethics”. The chapter focuses most of all not on the different religious roles, but on what we think “public bioethics” is or should be.
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    On the Nature of Rape.John H. Bogart - 1991 - Public Affairs Quarterly 5 (2):117-136.
  24.  20
    Religion, Evolution, and the Basis of Institutions: The Institutional Cognition Model of Religion.John H. Shaver & Connor Wood - 2018 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2 (2):1-20.
    Few outstanding questions in the human behavioral sciences are timelier or more urgently debated than the evolutionary source of religious behaviors and beliefs. Byproduct theorists locate the origins of religion in evolved cognitive defaults and transmission biases. Others have argued that cultural evolutionary processes integrated non-adaptive cognitive byproducts into coherent networks of supernatural beliefs and ritual that encouraged in-group cooperativeness, while adaptationist models assert that the cognitive and behavioral foundations of religion have been selected for at more basic levels. Here, (...)
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  25.  17
    Nation or integration?: Perspectives on Europe in the 90s.John H. Eastby - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (3):447-449.
  26.  22
    Elders as leaders in 1 Peter and the early Church.John H. Elliott - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (2).
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  27. Testing a museum exhibition design assumption: Effect of explicit labeling of exhibit clusters on visitor concept development.John H. Falk - 1997 - Science Education 81 (6):679-687.
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    Priming autobiographical memories: How recalling the past may affect everyday forms of autobiographical remembering.John H. Mace & Emma P. Petersen - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103018.
  29. John Calvin's Doctnne of the Christian Life.John H. Leith - 1989
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    Power and Representation of the Public's Values in a Social Implications of Research Commission.John H. Evans - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (5):10-11.
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    Nursing practice an the law.John H. Tingle, Jo Wilson, John D. Blum, Suzie Linden-Laufer & John Hodgson - 1995 - Health Care Analysis 3 (1):44-51.
    This brief tour of American law has demonstrated a little of the breadth and currency of legal liability actions which affect nursing. As health care changes and nursing roles change with it, so too will the nature of liability in this area. The American penchant for litigation is such that the chances of disentangling nurses from the continued onslaught of negligence litigation seem remote.
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  32. The development of children's knowledge about attentional focus.John H. Flavell, F. L. Green & E. R. Flavell - 1995 - Developmental Psychology 31:706-12.
  33.  44
    Ankersmit's postmodernist historiography: The hyperbole of "opacity".John H. Zammito - 1998 - History and Theory 37 (3):330–346.
    Ankersmit's articulation of a postmodern theory of history takes seriously both the strengths of traditional historicism and the right of historians to decide what makes sense for disciplinary practice. That makes him an exemplary interlocutor. Ankersmit proposes a theory of historical "representation" which radicalizes the narrative approach to historiography along the lines of poststructuralist textualism. Against this postmodernism but invoking some of his own arguments, I defend the traditional historicist position. I formulate criticisms of the theory of reference entailed in (...)
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  34. Matters of Faith and Matters of Principle: Religious Truth Claims and Their Logic.John H. Whittaker - 1980 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (1):104-104.
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  35.  27
    Verbal interference with visual classification: Optimal processing and experimental design.John H. Flowers & Beccy Blair - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (3):260-262.
  36. Human origins and the bible.John H. Walton - 2012 - Zygon 47 (4):875-889.
    The ongoing debate surrounding human origins and the Bible is based on interpretations of various sections of the Bible, particularly Genesis 1–3, which are believed by some to contradict some of the tenets of the modern scientific consensus . This paper suggests that an interpretation of Genesis 2–3 in light of a close reading of the Hebrew text and the recognition of its ancient Near Eastern context demonstrates that the scientific consensus need not be in conflict with sound biblical interpretation.
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    Episodic remembering creates access to involuntary conscious memory: Demonstrating involuntary recall on a voluntary recall task.John H. Mace - 2006 - Memory 14 (8):917-924.
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    Experimental extinction as a function of the distribution of extinction trials and response strength.John H. Rohrer - 1947 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 37 (6):473.
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  39. The Lenoir thesis revisited: Blumenbach and Kant.John H. Zammito - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):120-132.
  40.  13
    A Companion to the Book of Margery Kempe.John H. Arnold & Katherine J. Lewis - 2010 - Ds Brewer.
    Margery Kempe and her Book studied in both literary and historical context.
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  41. ‘This inscrutable principle of an original organization’: epigenesis and ‘looseness of fit’ in Kant’s philosophy of science.John H. Zammito - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (1):73-109.
    Kant’s philosophy of science takes on sharp contour in terms of his interaction with the practicing life scientists of his day, particularly Johann Blumenbach and the latter’s student, Christoph Girtanner, who in 1796 attempted to synthesize the ideas of Kant and Blumenbach. Indeed, Kant’s engagement with the life sciences played a far more substantial role in his transcendental philosophy than has been recognized hitherto. The theory of epigenesis, especially in light of Kant’s famous analogy in the first Critique, posed crucial (...)
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    (1 other version)Rule and End in Morals.John H. Muirhead - 1933 - Philosophical Review 42:641.
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    Kant in the 1760s: Contextualizing the “Popular” Turn.John H. Zammito - 2001 - In Predrag Cicovacki, Allen Wood, Carsten Held, Gerold Prauss, Gordon Brittan, Graham Bird, Henry Allison, John H. Zammito, Joseph Lawrence, Karl Ameriks, Ralf Meerbote, Robert Holmes, Robert Howell, Rudiger Bubner, Stanley Rosen, Susan Meld Shell & Yirmiyahu Yovel, Kant's Legacy: Essays in Honor of Lewis White Beck. Rochester, NY: Boydell & Brewer. pp. 387-432.
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    William James on 'overbeliefs' and 'live options'.John H. Whittaker - 1983 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):203 - 216.
  45.  15
    Wittgensteinian Philosophy of Religion.John H. Whittaker - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 659–666.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Works cited Additional recommended readings.
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    Von göttlicher und menschlicher Gerechtigkeit.John H. Yoder - 1962 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 6 (1):166-181.
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    Becoming Human: Romantic Anthropology and the Embodiment of Freedom.John H. Zammito - 2011 - Intellectual History Review 21 (4):538-540.
  48.  23
    Between Reimarus and Kant: Blumenbach’s Concept of Trieb.John H. Zammito - 2021 - In Manja Kisner & Jörg Noller, The Concept of Drive in Classical German Philosophy: Between Biology, Anthropology, and Metaphysics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 39-60.
    The notion of Trieb, constitutive for Blumenbach’s greatest conceptual intervention, the Bildungstrieb, intentionally separated it from the other Bildungskräfte that had been identified in the physical world. This discrimination proved decisive for Kant. Thus we must endeavor to reconstruct the source and the significance of Blumenbach’s conceptual departure. My argument will be that in his turn to Trieb, Blumenbach drew upon the pioneering work of Hermann Reimarus. Thus, my argument will have three components: first, the conceptualization of Trieb in Reimarus; (...)
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    Who's responsible for journalism?John H. McManus - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (1):5 – 17.
    Contemporary national codes of ethics hinge more on fantasy than fact: the idea that journalists control what becomes news. While journalists' influence over news has grown during much of the 20th century to the point where courts have begun to define them as professionals, it has never surpassed the influence of owners. New evidence indicates authority has eroded as media firms seek to maximize return to investors. As journalists' autonomy recedes, national ethics codes become less relevant to practitioners and more (...)
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  50. Philosophy of Religion.John H. Hick - 1963 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (3):552-552.
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